How to Use Comments Tab in Blogger? Step by Step Tutorial.

Comments in Blogger? Beginners Support. 

MDWIX Academy.
"Comments" are a great way to interact with your readers and get feedback on your blog posts. They can also help you build a community of loyal followers and increase your blog's visibility. However, managing comments can be challenging, especially if you receive a lot of spam or unwanted messages. That's why blogger dashboard provides you with a Comments function that allows you to moderate, approve, delete, mark as spam, or reply to comments on your blog. Here's how to use it:

First-Log in to Blogger account. 

Log in to your blogger account and go to the dashboard.

Second-Viewing Comments.

On the left sidebar, click on Comments. You will see a list of all the comments on your blog, sorted by date.

Third-Detailing of Comments.

To view the details of a comment, click on the comment text. You will see the comment author, date, post title, and comment content.

Fourth-Moderate Comments.

To moderate a comment, use the buttons at the top of the comment details. You can approve, delete, mark as spam, or reply to the comment. You can also edit the comment by clicking on the pencil icon.

Fifth-Bulk Moderation. 

To moderate multiple comments at once, select the comments that you want to moderate by checking the boxes next to them. Then use the buttons at the top of the list to apply the same action to all selected comments.

Sixth-Filtering Comments. 

To filter the comments by status, use the tabs at the top of the list. You can filter by all comments, published comments, pending comments, or spam comments.

Seventh-Controlling Comment.

To change the settings for comments on your blog, click on Settings on the left sidebar, then click on Posts and Comments. Here you can change options such as who can comment on your blog, how comments are moderated, how comments are displayed, and whether you want to enable comment notifications.

            Using the Comments function in blogger dashboard can help you manage your blog comments more efficiently and effectively. It can also help you create a positive and engaging environment for your readers and yourself. Happy blogging!

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